
I Ching & The Human Body 2014 Class One

Ablution Fountain, Grand Mosque, Bursa, Turkey.

(During 2011, I visited this mosque on a nearly daily basis for a number or weeks. It is an incredible space of openness, inclusiveness and sacredness. The drala seemed very present, and everytime I washed my face, hands and feet in the ablution fountain I came away uncannily uplifted and transformed. In 2015, I aspire to lead a pilgrimage to this site. Being in this space was like being inside the I Ching! An experience of totality.)


mircrophone2014 Class One: Please study this page with Audio Lecture - ICHB 2014 1 Part 1.MP3




Mission Statement of I Ching and the Human Body 2014:

I. Invoking the spirit of guidance or drala principle through daily (or periodic) consultation of the I Ching. This practice includes studying the I Ching as a profound text for human character and spiritual development.

A foundation of the spirit of guidance is this trinity of early teachings of Chögyam Trungpa: 1. Complete openness, or being without predjudice to every situation. 2. That all situations form some kind of coherent pattern, called natural perfection. 3. From that, we aspire to absolute spontaneity - which is not something we can "do," but something we can make ourselves available to through intention. We can ask of the day, "What do you want of me?" and thus align with, rather than oppose, the spirit of the day.

II. Learning and recognizing the I Ching is in the human body though standing and other forms of yoga and meditation. Direct somatic experience is the essence of restoring primordial alignment. This aspect of the class is supported through guided audio sessions led by Bill.

Later in 2014 I will introduce and teach the Qigong of the Eight Trigrams of the I Ching, a seldom found form of qigong I have trained in and in been authorized to teach. In this form we can literally experience the energy, and healing power, of the I Ching trigrams within our own body.

III. Exploraing and applying the "contemporary emergences of the I Ching" through the Human Design and Gene Keys systems. The Human Design system or map helps us live within our own innate authority, always a somatic one in which synchronization of body and mind is recognized. The Gene Keys map the archetypal foundation of the human experience, where each hexgram or gene key is linked to our own DNA and to the three-fold process of embracing the wound, releasing the gift and embodying the siddhi.

Other Fundamental Principles:

I. Aligning One's Life's Work and Evolution with the Wheel of Vertical Time.


One's Life's Work: Light of the


One's Evolution: Ground of the Earth


I Ching Fundamentals:


It is possible that early sequences of the I Ching placed The Receptive before The Creative, i.e., as #1.

It is valid for each of us to discover our own sequence. In fact, this happens inevitable as certain hexagrams - or abodes - appear to us more frequently than others, and from this frequency a familiarity arises, a fluency, in which we feel the I Ching is winking at us. It is good to take note of these frequencies.

Remember that each time we see or draw a hexagram we are seeing "sacred geometry" or a depiction of vertical time. Time is visually "stacked," like the vertabrae in our spine, forming a developmental sequence, something quite different than the horizontal or linear-time axis. Vertical time is eternal time.

Power versus force is a crucial concept to apply not only to interpreting a given hexagram but in meditation, yoga and any somatice practice.


Human Design: Your "Energy Type":
See Audio ICHB 2014 Energy Type.MP3



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I Ching & The Human Body 2014: An On-line Class with Bill Scheffel

See ICHB 2014 Class Two

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