
I Ching and the Human Body 2014 Class Five
The Month of July




mircrophone3July 2014 Class Five - Part 1 - One's Life's Work and Hexagram #35: Please study this page with Audio Lecture - ICHB5Part1.MP3





One's Life's Work: Light of the


One's Evolution: Ground of the Earth




II. Personality Sun: One's Life's Work




1. The Creator (discovers / "smartest"): Creative, new, original idea. Ancestors, yes, but something that emerges from within you. Need courage and patience. Creative spark essential. Creates a strong foundation. Contemplate your life's work deeply; go to the bottom of the well.

2. The Dancer (expresses / "most attractive"): Fluidity. Self-expression. Unselfconscious, like the dancer. Find gifts that come naturally and easily. Contemplate what has the most grace and ease, what you really love. Follows a clear inner flow out into the world.

3. The Changer (adapts / "most exciting"): Less predictable. Change at heart. Let go of what your mind thinks of as "normal." Learn gifts from life. Let go and enjoy the manifold changes. Contemplate your life's work in the most dynamic, changing, adaptable form.

4. The Server (spreads / "most approachable"): The most focused of the lines. Conviction. Capacity to influence others. Realm is people; learn to listen. Contemplate life's work as form of service; giving for the sake of others. Including quality, refinement, courtesy.

5. The Fixer (makes practical / "most successful"): Discerns what will help the world or not. If useful, makes it one's own. Capacity to go far in the outer world; most potential for success. Your gifts, when well-organized are needed by the outer world. Contemplate business, leadership, efficiency.

6. The Teacher: (contemplates it / "the wisest"): Asks "why." Stands apart from the world. A teacher who understands each born with different gifts that can be fostered. Must be rooted in patience since one's gifts can take a long time to emerge. Contemplation as path.







#35 CHIN. Progress
– Clear-minded sincerity advancing illumination. Prospering. Thriving in the full light of the sun; contribute to this increase by helping things to flourish. Prosper: grow and flourish, as young plants in the sun; increase, progress, permeate, impregnate; attached to. Ideogram: sun and reach, the daylight world.


Judgment: Progress. The powerful prince/princess is honored with horses in large numbers. In a single day s/he is granted audience three times.

Commentary on the Decision: Progress means making advance. Clarity rises high over the earth. Devoted, and clinging to this great clarity, the weak progresses and goes upward.

Rowena Pattee Kryder (Tiger and Dragon I Ching): It is time to discover the illumination within and move with it towards receiving many kinds of people. It is time for you to advise others according to your greatest virtue and illumination. Setting an example is the best way, but, in addition, communicating your insights will be beneficial to others just now.

The Taoist I Ching (pg. 141): Advance means progress. Above is fire, luminous, and below is earth, receptive. Producing understanding by receptivity, using understanding to practice receptivity, according with the time and according with truth, illumination grows day by day; therefore it is called advance. [Thus the strength of innate knowledge changes into delinquent assertiveness, and the receptivity of innate capacity changes into delinquent pliability.]

Contemporary emergences:

Human Design:

Physiology: Thyroid/Parathyroid

Gate 35 - The Gate of Change. Gate 35 is driven by a restless curiosity, and high expectations, to explore new horizons for the sheer exhilaration of doing it, but not alone. Gate 35's voice say, "I feel," and what it usually feels is a desire for change. Yours is the voice of impersonal relationship experience. Your are prodded along not by awareness, but by a hunger for depth of feeling that is conditioned by the emotional wave. Like hunger, desire and curiosity can only be temporarily ameliorated. You are focused on collecting experience to learn from them, rather than on repeating experience to master them. Mastery for you is expressed as wisdom and manifests as advice. Your memories may provide more satisfaction than the experience itself. When correctly entering into experience for its own sake, and remaining an objective observer, your clear sharing carries the potential to transform humanity.

Gene Keys:

Shadow: Hunger (bored/manic). A perpetual and innate hunger in all human beings from this shadow frequency, which also restricts the secretion of serotonin within the body, leaving us with a perpetual feeling of hunger. This drives all human experience from drugs and alcohol to food, sex (all of which may increase serotonin levels temporarily) to business, religion, science and even war. External progress rather than inner. This is not individual but universal to the whole species. The norm level of serotonin is actually the shadow frequency. Any attempt to raise serotonin from the outside raises the shadow frequency even more. You must first face your chemical dilemma - and then face if with every fiber of our being. Only when you see how trapped you are by this chemistry does a new sense of freedom begin to rise up within you.

Gift: Adventure. To break through the hunger barrier is to break into the heart. Love is the only force that can bring an end to the hunger of the 35th shadow. The heart actually has its roots in the complex ganglia of of the solar plexus system. Love has nothing to do with another person but is the connective tissue underlying all creation. True adventure can only be based on love. Adventure is what happens when the human spirit breaks free of the mind. Adventure is a state of mind that comes from the realization of the oneness of all being. When you give to another unconditionally you actually stimulate the secretion of serotonin. The easiest and quickest way to change your life for the better is to give your love unconditionally in as many areas of your life as you dare. If you take on this adventure you will actually affect the minute workings of your DNA.

Siddhi: Boundlessness. It is really the heart that knows no bounds, which is why consciousness is the same word as love. Pure unconditioned love can break all the laws of the cosmos. the 35th siddhi brings the miraculous into the world. It opens up all kinds of possibilities to those who allow their minds to become like a child's. To a child, anything seems possible - that is the state of boundlessness.




mircrophone1July 2014 Class Five - Part 2 - One's Evolution and Hexagram #35: Please study this page with Audio Lecture - ICHB5Part2.MP3




III. Personality Earth: One's Evolution


1. Self and Empowerment: The essence. Inner issues. Empowerment of the self; discovering your genius in life. Issues: self-assured or inadequate, insecure. A private path; digging into your own aloneness and finding answers inside. No one else can empower or disempower you. When you meet this challenge courageously, your gifts will empower others to find the same inner strength.

2. Passion and Relationship: Expressing the Essence. Relationships. Expressing the energy of passion, which always catches the eye of others. Know where your passion lies. This line learns through relationships. It's nature is to be unconscious. If shadow rather that gift/siddhi expressed, all kinds of problems ensue. Challenge is to listen to and observe the feedback of those closest to you. They provide the mirror.

3. Energy and Experience: Since the third line is all about change, need to look at your life as a journey, and how you will spend your genetic inheritance. Your life is about experience rather than the result. The journey is the goal. Its not what you get from the experience, but that you have and learn from them. Trial and error always occurring.

4. Love and Community: The challenge of finding the balance of being alone and being with others. How to combine your need to be of service with your need for space. At the shadow frequency go from extremes of exhaustion to feeling cut off. All about love - the love of being alone and the love of ones friends. View your life as a quality to be shared with others. Gift to touch people's hearts and bring them to one's point of view, but must be most ethical.

5. Power and Projection: The fifth line has a mystique that attracts others. This is uncultivated. People will be drawn to you no matter what you stand for. At shadow frequency always incurs disappointment. Must learn how and when to express yourself so you will not be misinterpreted. Your passion can arouse all kinds of projections. Personal and professional boundaries are crucial. Express yourself with economy and clarity.

6. Education and Surrender: The six moves though the story of all of the lines in a single lifetime. So much to learn before one's dreams can come true - plus your understanding of your dream will change! Surrender and trust in life is the key. The six is the long-term view and the perspective from the roof of the house or mountain top. Education is crucial in becoming the role-model for others. Deeper than success or influence, it is about connection to the future. Willing to sacrifice personal goals for collective ones.



mircrophone4July 2014 Class Five - Part 3 - Hexagrams #49 and 50 Please study this page with Audio Lecture - ICHB5Part3.MP3








mircrophone2July 2014 Class Five - Part 4 - Radience: Please study this page with Audio Lecture - ICHB5Part4.MP3






One's Radience: Light of the Sun









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VTY Class Materials and
Other Information

1. I Ching and the Human Body: Introduction

2. TRIBE (Class Roster)
3. Hexagram Titles Etymology

4. The Hexagram
5. Table of Contents of all classes

The classic "Wilhelm/Baynes" I Ching, the foundational text of our course.




This class is based primarily on the I Ching, as both an ancient and contemporary system of wisdom that is found within the human body. (See last year's class, I Ching and the Human Body, for more illustrations and information.)




Use of the I Ching and practices of yoga and meditation are all ways of "invoking drala" or the spirit of guidance. Cultivating both courage and sensitivity to life attracts the drala or blessing that is universally available.




Over the course of the year, along with the Wilhelm/Baynes I Ching, these texts and others will be introduced. Purchasing them is optional, based on the degree of study you wish to pursue and your own predilection for translations you are drawn to.



The Taoist I Ching, translated by Thomas Cleary.



Tiger and Dragon I Ching, by Rowena Patee Kryder.




I Ching: The Classic Chinese Oracle of Change. Translated by Rudolf Ritsema and Stephen Karcher.



Gene Keys by Richard Rudd.

Leonardo FraAngelico