
I Ching and the Human Body 2014 Class Three
The Month of May




mircrophone2May 2014 Class Three - Part 1 - Hexagram #30: Please study this page with Audio Lecture - ICHB3Part1.MP3



See Class Seven of last year's course.

See Class Two of last year's course.










From Human Design, The Science of Differentiation:

Line 1 - Investigator: Introspection, Chameleon, Empathy: Line 1 is the ground floor or base of the hexagram, and 1st lines are driven to investigate the foundation of things, to discover how life works. Once they have firmly established a secure foundation, they are able to relax. The more they know, the less they fear, as 1st lines feel, "if we can be secure, everything is possible." Their insecurity drives them to seek authorities and become authorities themselves, and yet pursuit of their investigations is an introspective process that usually says, "I am busy studying, doing my research, so don't bother me." The secure foundations that the 1st line creates are then externalized or universalized by the lines of the upper trigram. There is also a deeply empathic nature to the 1st line, and its ability to take in information from the other can be very transformative.

1st lines study behavior. They watch how other people act, and they learn to see which behavior works and which doesn't. When feeling insecure, like a chameleon they'll change their colors to blend in. They're very good at letting you see what you think you need to see. They keynote for Gate 1- line 1 is modesty, or the ability to know one's place and how to act despite circumstances. 1st lines are very sensitive in this way, and nothing is more important to them than being able to see that they can navigate on this plane, and that it is all going to be okay. 1st line designs have a need for a secure physical foundation as well. The most common not-self feeling for the first line is a sense of inferiority, generally because they do not allow themselves the focused self-absorption that is necessary to fully investigate and establish a foundation. Strategy and Authority will determine the correct investigations for the 1st lines, and allow them to focus on one thing at a time, which can also relieve a great deal of their not-self anxiety.

Line 2 - Hermit: The Natural, Projection, Democrat: Line 2 is the seed that sits in the drawer for years, waiting for just the right time to be planted so it can awaken, grow and produce its unique fruit. While the 1st line investigates in order to build a foundation, 2nd lines are naturals who do not know where their innate gifts originate from. 2nd lines are noticed for their natural talents or genius, and are then "called out" by the others who want their gifts to be used in a particular way. These are hermits, however, who want to be left alone to do their own thing, their own way. While 1st lines need others to be involved in their investigations, 2nd lines are self-contained and can feel very uncomfortable when others step into their aura and expect something from them. They do not want to, and do not even know if they can, explain to you how they do what they do, or even worse, how you should do it. They behave very democratically because they don't want to be bothered, or have to invest their energy in taking sides.

The natural talent that 2nd lines possess does not respond well to interference of any kind. In our analogy of the house, it's as if they are standing alone in front of the first floor window, lights on, happily self-absorbed in their own play, and not realizing that they are being observed by those outside on the street. In fact, 2nd line personalities generally do not even want to go outside into the world. They are waiting to receive the correct call, specific to their unique life purpose, that will allow them to share their true genius with the world. It is only through Strategy and Authority that the 2nd line will know if the call is correct. Fulfillment is very important to the 2nd line, and if they cannot live up to the projections placed upon them, or if they allow themselves to answer calls that are not correct and that they cannot fulfill, they can suffer greatly and isolate even more than is natural or healthy.

Line 3 - Martyr: Trial and Error, Mutation, Adaption: The great gift of the third line is discovering what does not work. As the transition point between the first and second floors of the house (the personal and transpersonal), life bumps into them in every way, or they bump into it, and discover through the trail and error process how the material plane operates. 3rd lines are our key catalysts of change, and even though at times they may appear socially inept, and very often feel alone, they are the most interpersonally adaptable lines of the lower trigram, with a natural resilience and tenacity that will sustain them through their discovery process. A 3rd line is more likely to notice and recognize a potential new mutation faster than anybody else, simply because they bump into it. Often associated with scientific explorations (but from the stand-point of what it not working) and deeply material, 3rd lines do not take life at face value. They will kick the tires and look to see where the flaw, the loophole, or trick is. The 3rd line models for us the transformation that is possible when we are grounded in our bodies on the material plane.

These beings, whose natural gift is challenging the falsehoods, are ultimately mutating the Maia. They're also going to notice what doesn't work in a relationship faster than anybody else, which is why their theme is "bonds made and broken." The keynote of Martyr refers to the 3rd lines ability to stand up and say "this in not true" and take the heat for it. When operating correctly as true self, however there is no such thing as failure for a 3rd line - only discovery. Bonds made and broken can become a natural mechanism in their life, such as the parent who leaves the house to go to work each day and then returns. The 3rd line is also part of the 6th line three-part life process and its mutative quality permeates the Profiles more than any other line.





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VTY Class Materials and
Other Information

1. I Ching and the Human Body: Introduction

2. TRIBE (Class Roster)
3. Hexagram Titles Etymology

4. The Hexagram
5. Table of Contents of all classes

The classic "Wilhelm/Baynes" I Ching, the foundational text of our course.




This class is based primarily on the I Ching, as both an ancient and contemporary system of wisdom that is found within the human body. (See last year's class, I Ching and the Human Body, for more illustrations and information.)




Use of the I Ching and practices of yoga and meditation are all ways of "invoking drala" or the spirit of guidance. Cultivating both courage and sensitivity to life attracts the drala or blessing that is universally available.




Over the course of the year, along with the Wilhelm/Baynes I Ching, these texts and others will be introduced. Purchasing them is optional, based on the degree of study you wish to pursue and your own predilection for translations you are drawn to.



The Taoist I Ching, translated by Thomas Cleary.



Tiger and Dragon I Ching, by Rowena Patee Kryder.




I Ching: The Classic Chinese Oracle of Change. Translated by Rudolf Ritsema and Stephen Karcher.



Gene Keys by Richard Rudd.

Leonardo FraAngelico