
I Ching & The Human Body
Class Three

Traditional mandala of the I Ching bagua ("eight symbols").


I Ching & The Human Body: An On-line Class with Bill Scheffel

Introduction & To Register
Class One: The Trigrams
Class Two: The Hexagram
Class Three: The Hexagram II
Class Four: Assimilation
Class Five: Early Heaven...
Class Six: Acquired Conditioning..
Class Seven: Standing Under...
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mircrophoneClass THREE: The Hexagram - Etymology
Please study this page with Audio Lecture Three.

Abstract: This class further explores contemplating the meaning of a given hexagram through its title or name, including the etymology and splay of various translations. A table of all the hexagrams is below.
Immediately below is an example - using hexagram #24 - of bringing further meaning to the hexagram titles though the addition of "contemporary emergences" of the I Ching, the Human Design system and The Gene Keys. In both of these systems, the sixty-four hexagrams are found in the human body, and are connected not to just symbolic archetypes of human experience but to our very physiology; on the "outer" level of organs, nervous system, blood stream, etc., as well as the "inner or "subtle" body, the patterns of energy within us.



#24 FU. Return [The Turning Point]
Return – Return of consciousness of reality; activity obeying the mind. Returning. Something re-emerging; go back to this starting point in order to begin anew. Return: go back, turn back to the starting point; recur, reappear, come again; restore, recover, retrace; an earlier time or place. Ideogram: step and retrace a path.
Human Design: Gate of Rationalization. [Channel of Awareness. Individual Circuit]
Gene Keys: Physiology: Neocortex
Shadow: Addiction. [Repressive nature: Frozen; Reactive Nature: Anxious.]
Gift: Invention. Siddhi: Silence.


The Human Design Body Graph


In contrast to the traditional I Ching mandala, the bagua (as seen at the top of this page), the Human Design Body Graph is a mandala that shows the sixty-four hexagrams in the human body. On the outer ring of the ephemeris are the sixty-four hexagrams, on the next ring in the degrees of arc, then the signs of the zodiac. One's body graph is calculated from the time, date and place of one's birth. From this "definition" is obtained, the process and flavor of energy and consciousness that is our fundamental makeup.



Key to hexagram descriptions:
For each of the sixty-four hexagrams below (as well as #24, immediately below) three title translations are shown, all in boldface: the first is from the Wilhelm-Baynes (i.e.,Fu. Return/Turning Point); the second if from the Taoist I Ching translation by Thomas Cleary; the third is from the I Ching: The First Complete Translation with Concordance, by Rudolf Ritsema and Stephen Karcher. Text the follows the titles is from the respective translations (sometimes paraphrased).


#1 CH’IEN. The Creative
– Strength, firmness, life, innate knowledge, primal unified energy. Force. Dynamic, unwearied persisting, the action of force. Spirit power, creative and destructive, unceasing forward motion; dynamic, untiring; firm, stable; heaven, sovereign, father. Also: dry up, parched, exhausted, cleared away. Ideogram: sprouts or vapors rising from the ground and sunlight, both fecund moisture and scorching drought.



#2 K’UN. The Receptive
– receptivity, submission, humility, obedience, yielding, flexibility, stillness, essence, innate capacity. Field. Primal structuring power confronted with many forces and obstacles. In order to serve and gain results, you are told to yield. Field: surface of the world; concrete extension; basis of all existence, where Force or heaven exerts its power; all involving service; earth, moon, wife, mother, courtier, servants. Ideogram: terrestrial globe and stretch out, stability and extension.


#3 CHUN. Difficulty at the Beginning
- Fostering the strength of primal energy, the difficult process of breaking out of antiquated temporal conditioning and bringing the primordial to the fore, the process known as advancing the yang fire. Sprouting. Beginning growth. Collecting potential in preparation for arduous labor. Sprout: begin or cause to grow; assemble, accumulate, bring under control; hoard possessions; establish a military camp; difficult, arduous. Ideogram: Sprout piercing hard soil.

#4 MENG. Youthful Folly
– Starting yin-convergence, making unruly yin submit, integrating with the world yet preventing mundanity from taking over, Negatively, it represents obscurity, unknowing; positively it represents innocence. Also: stopping in danger. Enveloping. Concealment and clouded awareness. Actively accept this concealment in order to grow. Envelop: Cover, pull over, hide, conceal; lid or cover; clouded awareness, dull; ignorance, immaturity, unseen beginnings. Ideogram: plant and covered, hidden growth.

#5 HSÜ. Waiting [nourishment]
- Waiting for the proper time in gathering primal energy; gradually restoring the primordial in the midst of the temporal. Attending. Being compelled to wait for and serve something. Fixing your attention on what is required while waiting carefully for the right moment to act. Attend: take care of, look out for, serve; turn your mind to what is necessary; wait, await, wait on; hesitate, doubt; obstinate, fixed. Ideogram: rain and stop, compelled to wait, or rain and origin, providing what is needed.

#6 SUNG. Conflict
Contention – Depending on strength because of danger, causing danger by depending on strength. Conflict due to imbalance. Arguing. Actively expressing your claims and objections in a dispute. Argue: dispute, plead in court, contend before a ruler, demand justice; wrangles, quarrels, litigation. Ideogram: words and public, public disputation.

#7 SHIH. The Army
The Army – Using the primordial to repel conditioning, using the real to get rid of the false. Legions / Leading. Unorganized crowds and bunches of things and the need to organize them into a functional unit. Legions/leading: troops; an organized unit, a metropolis; leader, general, model, master, organize, make functional; take as a model, imitate. Ideogram: heap and whole, organize confusion into functional units.

#8 PI. Holding Together
– Learning through association; obedience in danger, rectification of imbalance. Grouping. How to categorize people and things and how to relate to these categories; joining people and things through recognizing their essential qualities. Group: order things and put them in classes, compare and select; find what you belong with; compare, sort, examine correspondences; select and harmonize; unite. Ideogram: person who stops walking, looking around to examine and compare.

#9 HSIAO CH’U. Taming Power of the Small
Nurturance by the Small
– Nurturing inner strength by outward submissiveness, being firm but not impetuous, growing through humility. Small Accumulating. A variety of seemingly unconnected events and impulses; retain and hoard these experiences through adapting to them. Small: little, common, unimportant, adapting to what crosses your path; ability to move in harmonious relation to the vicissitudes of life; contrasts with Great, TA, self-imposed theme or goal. Accumulate: hoard, gather, retain, herd together.

#10 LÜ. Treading [Conduct]
– Progress; advance of the positive, prevention of danger by caution, empowerment by calmness and trust. Treading. Finding and making your way step by step. Tread: step, path, track, footsteps; walk a path or way; course of the stars; act, practice, conduct, salary, means of subsistence. Ideogram: body and repeating steps, following a trail.

#11 T’AI. Peace
– Harmony of strength and flexibility. Pervading. Prospering and expanding and continually spreading this prosperity through communication. Pervade: spread and reach everywhere, permeate, diffuse; communicate; great, extensive, abundant, prosperous; smooth, slippery; extreme, extravagant, prodigal. Mt. T’ai in eastern Chine was a sacred mountain connecting heaven and earth. The emperor made offering there to establish harmony between humans and the great spirits. Ideogram: Person in water, connected to the universal medium.

#12 PI. Standstill [Stagnation]
– Submitting inwardly to personal desire, acting aggressively outwardly. Obstruction. Being blocked or interfered with; accepting the temporary hindrances that interfere with the flow of life and thwart communication. Obstruct: closed, stopped; bar the way; obstinate, unfortunate, wicked, refuse, disapprove, deny. Ideogram: mouth and not, blocked communication.

#13 T’UNG JEN.
Concording People.
Sharing a goal with others; finding ways to cooperate and harmonize people’s efforts. Concord: harmonize, unite, equalize, assemble; agree, share in; together, at once, same time and place. Ideogram: cover and mouth; silent understanding and perfect fit. People: humans individually and collectively.

#14 TA YU. Possession in Great Measure
Great Possession
– Mutual enhancement of strength and lucidity; continuous renewal, inward discipline. Great Possessing. An overriding concern and central idea; organizing all your efforts around this idea. Great: big, noble, important, very; orient the will toward a self-imposed goal, impose direction; ability to lead or guide your life; contrasts to small: flexible adaptation to what crosses your path. Possess: be in possession of, have, own.

#15 CH’IEN. Modesty
– Inwardly firm, outwardly flexible, having personal attainment, but not dwelling on it. Humbling. The need to cut through pride and complication; keep close to fundamental things through keeping your words unpretentious. Humble: think and speak of yourself in a modest way; respectful, unassuming, retiring, unobtrusive, yielding, compliant, reverent, lowly. Ideogram: words and unite, keeping words close to underlying facts.

#16 YÜ. Enthusiasm
– Proper timing in action. Providing-for / Provision. What is needed to meet the future; accumulating strength through foresight and prudence so things can be fully enjoyed. Provide for: ready, prepared for, prearrange, take precautions, think beforehand; satisfied, contented, at ease. Ideogram: son and elephant, careful, reverent and very strong.

#17 SUI. Following
– According with conditions, going along with the human desire to gradually introduce guidance. Following. Being impelled or drawn into moving forward; yielding to this impulse by accepting guidance. Follow: come of go after, pursue, impelled to move; come after in inevitable sequence; move in the same direction, comply with what it ahead; follow a way or religion; according to, next, subsequent. Ideogram: go an fall, unavoidable movement.

#18 KU. Work on What has been Spoiled
– Correcting degeneration by abandoning the false and returning to the true. Corrupting. A situation of disorder, perversion and putrefaction; letting things rot away so they become obsolete. Corrupt: rotting, poisonous, intestinal worms, venomous insects; evil, magic, disorder, error, pervert by seduction, flattery; unquiet ghost. Ideogram: dish and worms, putrefaction and poisonous decay.

#19 LIN. Approach
– Keeping watch over the restoration and growth of primal energy and repulsion of acquired energy of conditioning. Nearing. Approaching and being approached; acting without immediately expecting to attain what you desire. Near: approach, behold with care, look down on sympathetically; condescend; bless or curse by coming nearer; a superior visiting an inferior.

#20 KUAN. Contemplation
– Alertness, gradually progressing through receptivity to the requirements of the time, inner vigilance. Viewing. Something seen from a distance, out of immediate reach; carefully observing and divining the meaning. View: contemplate, observe from a distance, look at carefully, gaze at; also: a monastery, an observatory, scry, divine through the liquid in a cup. Ideogram: see and water bird, observe through air or water.

#21 SHIH HO. Biting Through
Biting Through
– Investigating things and finding out principles. Action joined with understanding. Biting through is eating. Like the mouth closing and the teeth moving when eating something, the action must be properly timed. Gnawing Bite. Confronting a tenacious obstacle; biting through and picking things clean until the essential is revealed. Gnaw: bite away, chew; bite persistently and remove; snap at, nibble; reach the essential by removing the unnecessary. Ideogram: mouth and divination, revealing the essential. Bite: close the jaws, bite through, crush between the teeth.

#22 PI. Grace
– Private cultivation without ostentation, mutual complimentarily of clarity and stillness. Adorning. One outward presentation; building intrinsic value by embellishing appearance and displaying valor. Adorn: embellish, ornament, deck out, beautify; variegated (flowers); elegant, brilliant; also: energetic, passionate, eager, intrepid, capable of great effort, brave. Ideogram: cowry shells (money) and flowers, linking ornaments and value.

#23 PO. Splitting Apart
Stripping Away
– Submission to desire, acquired mundanity dissolving away the celestial energy. Stripping. Something outmoded or worn out; eliminate what has become unusable. Strip: flay, peel, skin; remove, uncover, degrade; split, slice; reduce to essentials; slaughter an animal. Ideogram: knife and carve, trenchant action.

#24 FU. Return [The Turning Point]
Return –
Return of consciousness of reality; activity obeying the mind. Returning. Something re-emerging; go back to this starting point in order to begin anew. Return: go back, turn back to the starting point; recur, reappear, come again; restore, recover, retrace; an earlier time or place. Ideogram: step and retrace a path.

#25 WU WANG. Innocence [The Unexpected]
Fidelity (No Error)
– Vigorous advancement of celestial energy, attention to reality. Without Embroiling. Being without confusion or fault; act while remaining free from entangling, vanity or recklessness. Without: devoid of; less as suffix. Embroil; caught up, entangled, involved; disorder, incoherence; foolish, wild, reckless; false, brutish behavior, vain, idle, futile.

#26 TA CH’U. The Taming Power of the Great
Nurturance of the Great
– Being able to be still when strong; practicing non-doing to nurture incipient enlightenment. Great Accumulating. An overriding concern that defines what is valuable; bring the variety of things under the control of this central idea. Great: big, noble, important, very; orient the will toward a self-imposed goal, impose direction; ability to lead or guide your life; contrasts to small: flexible adaptation to what crosses your path. Accumulate: hoard, gather, retain.

#27 YI. The Corners of the Mouth [Providing Nourishment]
Lower Jaw (Nourishment)
- Discernment of good, becoming empty to seek fulfillment. Jaws / Swallowing. Nourishing and being nourished; open in order to take things in. Jaws/swallow: mouth, jaws, cheeks, chin; take in, ingests; feed, nourish, sustain, rear; furnish what is necessary. Ideogram: open jaws.

#28 TA KUO. Preponderance of the Great
Excess of the Great
– Following desires, delighting in externals, inability to control strength. Great Exceeding. Connection to a ruling principle; pushing the guiding idea beyond ordinary limits and accepting the results. Great: big, noble, important, very; orient the will toward a self-imposed goal, impose direction; ability to lead or guide your life; contrasts to small: flexible adaptation to what crosses your path. Exceed: go beyond, pass by, pass over

#29 K’AN. The Abysmal [Water]
Mastering Pitfalls
– One of the four timeless hexagrams; restoring the celestial within the mundane. Gorge. A dangerous situation you cannot avoid; take the risk without reserve. Gorge: dangerous place.

#30 LI. The Clinging, Fire
. Expanding light, warmth and awareness; join with and depend on what spreads this light. Radiance: glowing light, spreading in all directions; light-giving, discriminating, articulating; divide and arrange in order; the power of consciousness. Ideogram: bird and weird, the magical fire bird with brilliant plumage.

#31 HSIEN. Influence [Wooing]
– Harmonization of the celestial and the earthy. Conjoining. The influence separated parts of an intrinsic whole have on each other; bring these parts into contact. Conjoin: come into contact with, influence; reach, join together; put together as parts of a previously separated whole; come into conjunctions, as the celestial bodies; totally, completely; lit. broken piece of pottery, the halves of which join to identify partners.

#32 HENG. Duration
– Single-minded application, perseverance in real practice. Persevering. Continuity and endurance; continue on and renew the way you are following. Persevere: continue in the same way or spirit; constant, perpetual, regular, self-renewing; extend everywhere; the moon almost full.

#33 TUN. Retreat
– Storing positive energy, subduing energy, exercising strength with restraint, not using power arbitrarily. Retiring. Conflict and subsequent seclusion; withdrawing from the affair at hand and conceal yourself in obscurity. Retire: withdraw; fun away, flee; conceal yourself, become obscure, invisible, secluded, non-social. Ideogram: walk and swine (wealth and luck), satisfaction through walking away.

#34 TA CHUANG. The Power of the Great
Great Power
– Promoting vigorous positive energy; ability to act or not act, at will; transcendence of ordinary capabilities. Great Invigorating. The invigorating power of a central creative idea; animate everything around you through this guiding motivation. Great: Great: big, noble, important, very; orient the will toward a self-imposed goal, impose direction; ability to lead or guide your life; contrasts to small: flexible adaptation to what crosses your path. Invigorate: inspirit, animate.

#35 CHIN. Progress
– Clear-minded sincerity advancing illumination. Prospering. Thriving in the full light of the sun; contribute to this increase by helping things to flourish. Prosper: grow and flourish, as young plants in the sun; increase, progress, permeate, impregnate; attached to. Ideogram: sun and reach, the daylight world.

#36 MING YI. Darkening of the Light
Concealment of Illumination
– Withdrawing effort after illumination, not using illumination lightly; being enlightened yet conforming to the times. Brightness Hiding. Intelligence hidden or harmed; deliberately hide your light by entering what is beneath you. Brightness: light-giving aspect of burning, heavenly bodies and consciousness; with fire, the symbol of the trigram Radiance. Hide: keep out of sight; remote, distant from.

#37 CHIA JEN. The Family [The Clan]
People in the Home
– Governing the inner; refining the self, mastering the mind, turning the attention inward. Dwelling People. Living and working with others in a common space; caring for your relations who you share this space with. Dwell: home, house, household, family; domestic, within doors; live in. Ideogram: roof and pig or dog, the most valued domestic animals. Person: humans individually.


#38 K’UEI. Opposition
– Focus on externals; requires inner emptiness to restore harmony. Polarizing. Things that are connected but should not join; put things in opposition while acknowledging their essential link. Polarize: separate, oppose; contrary, mutually exclusive; distant from, absent, remote; animosity, anger, astronomical or polar opposition: the ends of an axis, 180 degrees apart.

#39 CHIEN. Obstruction
Halting (Trouble)
– Preserving the primordial in the midst of the temporal. Limping. Being weak, afflicted or hampered; going ahead, even though haltingly. Limp: walk lamely, proceed haltingly; weak-legged, afflicted, crooked; feeble, weak; unfortunate, difficult. Ideogram: foot and cold, impeded circulation in the feet.

#40 HSIEH. Deliverance
– Taking advantage of the appropriate time to liberate positive primordial energy from the influence of negative, conditioned energy. Taking Apart. Reflection and release from tension; analyze and understand things in order to be delivered from compulsion. Take-apart: loosen, disjoin, untie, sever, scatter; analyze, explain, understand; release, dispel sorrow, eliminate effects, solve problems; resolution, deliverance. Ideogram: horns and knife, cutting into forward thrust.

#41 SUN. Decrease
– Removing acquired conditioning, stilling mundane attraction. Diminishing. Sacrifice and loss; lesson yourself and decrease your involvements. Diminish: lessen, make smaller; take away from; low, damage, spoil, wound; bad luck; blame, criticize; offer up, give away. Ideogram: hand and ceremonial vessel, offering sacrifice.

#42 YI. Increase
– Entering the Tao gradually, without either rushing or lagging, increasing the positive while decreasing the negative. Augmenting. Increase and advance; expand the quantity and quality of your involvement. Augment: increase, advance, promote, benefit, strengthen; pour in more; full, superabundant; restorative. Ideogram: water and vessel, pouring in more.

#43 KUAI. Break-through [Resoluteness]
– Detachment from discriminating consciousness, repelling the energy of external influences. Parting. Separating and diverging directions; resolutely dividing your energies. Part: separate, fork, cut off, decide; pull or flow in different directions; certain, settled; prompt, decisive, stern.

#44 KOU. Coming to Meet
– Warding off negative influences, persevering the positive. Coupling. The encounter of primal energies; seeing-through your personal situation as the connection of objective forces. Couple: intense, driven encounter, at once transitory and enduring, that is the reflection of primal yin and yang; meet, encounter, copulate; mating and animals; magnetism, gravity; to be gripped by impersonal forces.

#45 TS’UI. Gathering Together [Massing]
– Unifying vitality, energy, and spirit. Clustering. Collecting and assembling; bringing people or things together through a common field of goal. Cluster: call or pack together; tight groups of people, animals, things; collect, gather, assemble, concentrate; bunch, crowd, collection; lit: dense, tall, stocky grass.

#46 SHêNG. Pushing Upward
– Climbing from lowliness to the heights; carefully watching over the development process. Ascending. Rising to a higher level; a higher goal and working toward it step by step. Ascend: go up; climb step by step; rise in office; advance through effort; accumulate, bring out and fulfill; lit: a measure for fermented liquor, ascension as distillation.

#47 K’UN. Oppression [Exhaustion]
– Refining body and mind. Confining. Restriction and distress; turn inward through accepting enclosure. Confine: enclose, restrict, limit; oppressed; impoverish, distress; afflicted, exhausted, dishearten, weary. Ideogram: an enclosed tree.

#48 CHING. The Well
The Well
. Accumulation of effort to cultivate character; nurturance of others. The Well. Life-water coming from the depths that everyone may draw upon; maintain access to this central source. Well: water well at the center of the fields; rise and flow of water in a well, rise and surge from an inner source; life-water, nucleus of life; found a capital city. Ideogram: two vertical lines crossing two horizontal ones, eight field with a well at the center.

#49 KO. Revolution [Molting]
– Refining personal desires to become unselfish. Skinning. Stripping away a protective cover; radically changing and renewing the way you present yourself. Skin: take off the covering, skin or hide; change, renew, most; remove, peel off; revolt, overthrow, degrade from office; leather armor, protection.

#50 TING. The Caldron
– Refining illumination. The Vessel/Holding. Imaginative capacity of a sacred vessel; securing and imaginatively transforming the material at hand. Vessel/holding: bronze caldron with three feet and two ears, sacred vessel used to cook food for sacrifice to gods and ancestors; founding symbol of family or dynasty; melting pot, receptacle; hold, contain, transform; establish secure, precious, respectable.

#51 CHEN. The Arousing [Shock, Thunder]
– Practicing introspection in action. Shake. A disturbing and inspiring shock; rouse things to new activity. Shake: arouse, excite, inspire; thunder rising from below; awe, alarm, trembling; fertilizing intrusion. Ideogram: excite and rain.

#52 KEN. Keeping Still, Mountain
– Nurturing energy by quietude. Bound. Confronting a boundary or obstacle; stop and acknowledge the limit. Bound: limit, boundary; encounter an obstacle, stop; still, quiet, motionless; confine, enclose, mark off; turn around to look behind; hard, adamant, obstinate, perverse. Ideogram: eye and person turning round to compare and group what is behind.

#53 CHIEN. Development [Grad Progress]
Gradual Progress
– Gradual practice following appropriate order. Infiltrating. Gradually achieving a goal; advance through diffuse but steady penetration. Infiltrate: advance by degrees; penetrate slowly and surely, as water; stealthily; permeate throughout; influence, affect. Ideogram: water and cut.

#54 KUEI MEI. The Marrying Maiden
Making a Young Girl Marry
– Seeking the real within the false. Converting maidenhood. The changing status of someone who cannot control their circumstances; accept this imposition. Convert: change to another form, persuade; return to yourself or the place where you belong; restore, revert, become loyal; turn into; give a young girl in marriage. Ideogram: marry and wife, become mistress of a household.

#55 FêNG. Abundance [Fullness]
– Balance of understanding and action, preventing danger by awareness. Abounding. Profusion and abundance reaching culmination; exuberantly increasing things to their fullest. Abound: abundant, plentiful, copious; grow wealthy; at the point of overflowing; exuberant, fertile, prolific; rich in talents, property, friends; fullness culmination; ripe, sumptuous, fat.

#56 LÜ. The Wanderer
– Stabilizing and nurturing illumination, transcending the world. Sojourning. Wandering journeys and living in exile; mingle with others as a stranger whose identity comes from a distant center. Sojourn: travel; stay in places other than your home; itinerant troops, temporary residents; visitor, guest, lodger. Ideogram: banner and people around it; loyal to a symbol rather than their temporary residence.

#57 SUN. The Gentle [The Penetrating, Wind]
– Progress by flexible obedience. Ground. Proving an underlying support.; subtly penetrating and nourishing things from below. Ground: base on which things rest; support, foundation, mild, subtly penetrating; nourishing. Ideogram: stand and things arranged on it, the subtle influence of the ground.

#58 TUI. The Joyous [Lake]
– Communion of the inward and the outward; joy in practicing the Tao. Open. Intersection and exchange; stimulating things through cheering and persuasive speech, the action of Open. Open: an open surface, promoting interaction and interpenetration; responsive, free, unhindered, pleasing, opening, passage; the mouth; exchange, barter, straight, direct, meet, gather, place where water accumulate. Ideogram: person, mouth and vapor, speaking with others.

#59 HUAN. Dispersion [Dissolution]
– Confusion of yin and yang followed by reordering. Dispersing. Confronting obstacles, illusions and misunderstandings; clearing away what it blocking the light. Disperse: scatter clouds or crowds, break up obstacles; dispel illusion, fear and suspicions; clear up misunderstandings; dissolve, evaporate, disintegrate, fade, vanish; fog lifting or clearing away.

#60 CHIEH. Limitation
– Being able to be joyful even in trouble; practicing obedience in trying circumstances, adaptable, keeping to the Tao. Articulating. Confused relations; making limits and connections clear, particularly through speech. Articulate: separate and distinguish, as well as join different things; express thought through speech; joint, section, chapter, interval, unit of time, regulations, limits; zodiacal sign, lit: nodes on bamboo stalk. Ideogram: none mentioned.

#61 CHUNG FU. Inner Truth
Faithfulness in the Center
– Avoidance of both obsession and negligence, seeking fulfillment by becoming empty. Centering Conforming. The relation between your inner core and the circumstances of your life; bringing your central concerns and your life situation into a sincere and reliable accord. Center: inner, central; calm, stable; put in the center; stable point which enable you to face inner and outer changes; middle line of trigram: Ideogram: field divided in two equal parts. Conforming: accord between inner and outer in a particular.

#62 HSIAO KUO. Preponderance of the Small
Predominance of the Small
– Being fulfilled but acting empty; inwardly strong, outwardly yielding, inwardly firm, outwardly flexible. Small Exceeding. An overwhelming variety of encounters and details; an excessive concern with adapting yourself to these inner and outer events. Small: little, common, unimportant; adapting to what crosses your path; ability to move in harmonious relation to the vicissitudes of life; contrasts with great, TA, self-imposed theme or goal. Exceed: go beyond, pass by, pass over, excessive.

#63 CHI CHI. After Completion
– Mutual completion of yin and yang; forestalling danger to stabilize attainment. Already Fording. An important move from one position to another; actively proceeding with the crossing. Already: completed, done, has occurred; past tense, contrary of not-yet. Ford: cross a river at a ford of.

#64 WEI CHI. Before Completion
– Refining the self, repelling mundanity, waiting for the time to restore the primordial celestial positivity. Not-Yet Fording. Being on the edge of an important change of situation; wait and accumulate energy to begin the upcoming move. Not-yet: temporal negative; incomplete, has not occurred, contrary of already. Ford: cross a river at a ford.


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